redesign for the logo of the magazine I design currently. I wanted the logo to convey a more solid feel while still feeling forward-thinking.

Logo designs for a rebranding of a church in Oregon, where a friend of mine is one of the pastors.

logo for an expo on aging in northern Colorado produced by prairie mountain media.

logo for a film production company in southern california.

Logo for WindsorNow, a magazine about Windsor, CO produced by the Greeley Tribune.

Logo for the Tribune's Family Expo, which happens in late summer each year.

Logo for DevConnections magazine, which I art directed for a few months as well.

Logo for Right to Read, which is now part of the International Refugee Center in Greeley, CO.

Logo for a group of classes for Christ Community Church's youth program.

Logos designed for a ministry web site begun by a friend.

Logo for a program for Christ Community Church's youth ministry, where the students work on community projects outside the church.

Logo for a house painting company.

Logo for a technology program for IT professionals.

Logo for CRP 4x4 Truck Outfitters, a company that customizes trucks in Greeley, CO.

Logo for jackwagon, crp's remote controlled truck division.

Logo for a coffee shop for at-risk teens run by Youth For Christ in Greeley, CO.

Logo for a video production company in the Denver, CO area.

Logo for a men's ministry program in Loveland, CO.

Icons for various cities on a Roadshow produced by Penton Media.

Logo for a t-shirt company in Loveland, CO.

Logo for an ice cream company in Greeley, CO.

Logo for a ministry to the Spanish speaking community in Greeley, CO.

Logo for a technology discussion group/web site in Greeley, CO.

ideas for Logos for a healthcare benefits web site in Denver, CO.

Logo for a church in Bentonville, AR.

Logo for a play/musical in southern California.

Logo for an education program in Greeley, CO.

logo for the greeley tribune's online job fair, which replaced the in-person event called hire during the pandemic.

Logo for a Lodge in Goodwin, SD, run by my uncle, Dana Morris.

NoCo Mobile Bike Repair final logo (on the right), ideas on the left.

logo for a recovery organization in the denver area.

logo for a website about sewing.